I try to imagine what satisfied expression that I'll say. Maybe i'll kiss her and i'll give big hug . Mom you're the truth, " You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speakYou were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me "
Love my mum :*
Wish a big girl will grow up, someday I'll be you're little girl anymore . .
I'll never ask you to take a bath if you bad-smell
I'll never treat you like an adult anymore, in a process of life , you'll be back show you're childish :)
Oh My Lord Alloh
Oh mum and dad, Oh Dan and Dil , Oh Nini and Bey , Oh elsB and my truly friendssss , Oh Cousins and my Mummy mummy , Oh My teachers , Oh you're the one who colouring my Life . .
Thank You very Much my Lord * Adore Love
Thanks a Bunch pal , Thanks a lot Guys , Love you you youu youuuuuuuu :)
You'll try to fix me , Light will guide and finally I'll walk alone in the darkness to find my heaven *after life(die)
memelioo babee ::::: ::::::